Updated Educational Technology Consent Form - Action Required

Students at Golda Och Academy (GOA) use a variety of online Web applications as a resource to enhance their learning experience.
All websites and tools have been and will continue to be thoroughly examined by experienced educators. Many of these tools are commonly used in education today, but new tools arise every day. While the education community supports the use of such applications in K-12 institutions, many of the Terms of Service and/or Privacy Policies of such applications state that, due to Federal Law, any users under the age of 13 (or 18 depending on the application) must obtain explicit parental permission to use their sites.
If you had a student at GOA in 2020-21 this form was completed in September 2020. However, the Form has been updated effective October 2021, and we must obtain a new signature from a parent/guardian for all enrolled students. The previous form was completed with 100% approval, and we expect the same for this update.
Signing this Consent Form allows GOA to effectively leverage educational technology whether we are in-person, hybrid or remote. If you do not give your child permission to use these Web application tools, we will attempt to provide an alternative assignment, but the student may not be able to participate fully in the curriculum, especially in a hybrid or remote modality.
Upon logging in to the school website (Blackbaud), you will be prompted to complete outstanding forms. 
We appreciate your help in making this a successful school year. Please have one parent/guardian complete this form on the GOA website for each student by Friday, October 22, 2021. 
Questions? Please reach out to Mrs. Ulric, Upper School Librarian & Google Apps Admin at kulric@goldaochacademy.org or Michael Newman, Lower School Director of Technology at mnewman@goldaochacademy.org.