Lower School Students Honor Tu B'Shevat With Meaningful Activities

In honor of Tu B’Shevat, our Pre-K students are taking a cross-curricular adventure into the wonderful world of trees! In science and environment class, students are learning all about the different types of trees, their individual parts, and how they live and grow. In STEAM class, students are constructing two, four-foot trees made from “Loose Parts” (recycled materials that can be moved, carried, combined and redesigned).

In addition, our 5th grade students will be assisting by creating 3D printed medallions featuring each Pre-K student’s name to hang from the trees, model bird nests, and more! Our trees will symbolize the connectedness of the GOA community and the growth our students will experience throughout their time in school. #tubshevat #kehillah #STEAM #science #celebratingtrees #Ganon