Community Torah Corner, March 24, 2023

Rabbi Lawrence W. Groffman
Temple Sholom of West Essex
Cedar Grove, NJ
Parashat Vayikra/Rosh Chodesh Nisan

Yesterday was Rosh Chodesh Nisan which means spring is here! There is a special blessing we recite as Nisan approaches: “Blessed are You, Our God, Ruler of the Universe whose world lacks nothing and who made wondrous creations and beautiful trees for human beings to enjoy.”
This is a blessing of appreciation and awareness. It reminds us that there is so much beauty, goodness and blessing in our world. Our task is to take the time to notice it and enjoy it. This is easier said than done in our “always on” world. The boundaries between work and home have been eradicated, thanks to technology. Our “cult of frantic engagement,” as someone once described the highly scheduled lives of today’s young people, makes the exhortation of the Nisan blessing both more challenging to fulfill and more necessary to fulfill.

As we approach Pesach, can we liberate ourselves from distraction, busyness and constant engagement, and experience the freedom of a beautiful blossom, an inspiring sunset, and the love and care of the people in our lives? Can we commit ourselves to preserving the world God has given us, to safeguard it for future generations?
Wishing us a Nisan and a Pesach of gratitude, love and appreciation for all of our blessings.